22 DECEMBER 1984, page 62
Solution To Crossword 686: Inter Se The Unclued Lights Are
types of berry (Bcarberry is also acceptable at 36D). Winner: Mrs A.D. Gill, Warlingham, Surrey.......
Quiz Answers
1) a) New York; b) Stanford, California; c) Philadelphia; d), e) and f) all West Germa- ny; g) John Glenn; h) Mrs Barfield, the 'Murdering Granny', before her execution. 2) a)......
B Lourdes: A Modern Pilgrimage By Patrick Marnham C Black
and White by Shiva Naipaul D God's Apology by Richard Ingrams E Peregrinations by Peregrine Worsthorne F Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable......