The business of the English Stock Market has been more extensive than usual, and during the early part of the week some large transactions for Money occurred. In addition to his usual purchases for the Sinking-fund, the Bank Broker bought extensively on account of the Savings-banks and Friendly Societies. These purchases gave but a momentary impulse to the market, their effect being counteracted by the general prevalence of sellers ; some large amounts of Stock having been sold in order to the investment of the money in Railway Shares. These sales together with the continued demand for Money, have depressed the prices of the English Funds : the mar- ket has evinced feebleness during the whole week, though occasionally giving transient indications of greater vitality. The ultimate result of the business of the week has been to establish the closing quotations of Consols this afternoon about 9 per cent, below those of Saturday last; the price for Money. being 96 4, for Account 969 9. Among the noticeable events of the
week is a large sale of Exchequer made by the Bank Broker, on account, it is said, of some of the Scotch banks. The premium of these securities has consequently declined, and is today as low as 47s., being a depression of from 8s. to 10s. upon our last prices. Money is more in demand than usual, and the rate of discount fully 3 per cent upon very first-rate securities. The rate of exchange upon Paris is higher, being today at 25.7k per pound sterling. The exportation of gold to the Continent has for the present ceased, but it is understood that a large amount (350,000/.) has this week been sent to India.
The business of the Foreign Market has been unimportant, and prices are generally lower. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents have fallen from I to per cent, in consequence of some considerable sales of Stock, occasioned by the report that Russia is about to raise another loan. The Russian Five per Cents have not been much affected. The Dutch and other Northern Euro- pean Stocks are also lower. Mexican Stock is depressed ; Peruvian and other South American Securities are also lower. Spanish Stock has been without fluctuation, and the market without activity ; closing this afternoon nearly at the quotations of last week. The Share Market has been the subject of some fluctuation. There was a decline from the high prices of the last week, and the market was for some time depressed ; but it has since recovered, and the quotations of today are in some cases higher than those last given. The purchases both real and speculative have been very considerable, and there seems to be a general de- termination among capitalists to invest. The French Shares are all lower, in consequence of the decline of prices in Paris ; almost every variety cur-
rent being from 5s. to 108. lower. SATURDAY TWELVE o'Cr.oces.
The reported Ministerial crisis produced a momentary depression in the prices of the English Funds ; at the commencement of business Consols were freely offered at 96 for Money, and were done as low as 951, while the lowest quotation for Account was 96. The market has since improved, and the quotations ofyesterday afternoon have been reestablished ; the present price being 96 to 4 for Money and 964 for Account. The prices of I oreign Stocks are all lower, with but little business doing. The same remark will apply to the Railway Share Market,"where the principal bargains transacted have been at lower prices ; as the following list will show—Midland 50/., 191; Scottish Central, 171 ; South-eastern, 251 ; Eastern Counties, 7. SATURDAY, Two o'Ciocx.
The English Funds close at our morning's quotations. The business transacted has been quite trifling, the supposed Ministerial crisis operating to suspend all transactions. The Foreign Funds have been in a rather more active state, as the following list of bargains actually occurring will demonstrate. It will be seen that prices in this department are generally lower. Brazilian, 921; Buenos Ayres, 54 549; Chilian Three per Cents, 65; Danish Three per Cents, 77 f ; Grenada, 174A ; Ditto Deferred, 31; Mexican, 331 21; Peruvian Active, 80 ; Ditto Deferred, 354 ; Portu- guese Five per Cents, 1824, 879 ; Spanish Active, 191 f ; Ditto Three per Cents, 371 ; Venezuela, 30; Ditto Deferred, 11; Dutch Your per Cents, 911. The Railway Share Market is rather flatter. The following are the prin- cipal bargains occurring—Aberdeen, 135 13 ; Ambergate, Notts,-and Boston, 31 f ; Caledonian, llk 1 ; Chester and Holyhead Preference, 135 ; Eastern Counties, 74 ; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent, 111; East Lancashire, 149 144: ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 341 4 6 ; Great Northern, 17( ; London and Blackwell, 74 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast New Guaranteed 6 pm. Cent, 1371; London and North-western, 1331 1329; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 23; Ditto Fifths, 17A ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wol- verhampton, 194 9 ; Scottish Cenftsl, 171 18 ; Scottish Midland, 10 ; South-eastern and Dover, 2.51 6 51 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 204 1 1 ; Ditto Extension, 151 ; ference, 74 5; York and North Midland, Boulogne and Amiens, 9 81; Central of East Indian, 12 ; Paris and Rouen, 259; Tours and Nantes, 54; Australasian,
3 per Cent Consols 96 Ditto for Account 961 1 3 per Cent Reduced 96 31 per Cents 98 Long Annuities 7 Bank Stock 21 4 151 Exchequer Bills 46 49 pm.
India Stock 265 6
Brazilian 5 per Cents 91 3
Belgian 44 per Cents 91 3 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 6 Danish 5 per Cents 101 6
Ditto G. N. E. Purchase 249 1 4; Ditto Preference, France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) Paris and Strasbourg, 33 24; London Joint Stock, 171.
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents , Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela
or Pre- 44; 161 ; 10 ex d. ;
77 9 91 51
32 31-
78 801 39 4 87 9 111 13
96 74
37 A
30 1