The Army And Navy Club-house.
In anticipation of the full possession to be taken of the new Pall Mall Club-house by the members on Tuesday next, it has been opened this week for the inspection of visitors.......
Fine Arts.
THE ROYAL ACADEMY. THE four vacancies among the Academicians were filled up on the 10th instant, by the election of Sir John Watson Gordon, and Messrs. Grant, Creswick, and......
Diorama. Of A Tour Through Europe.
The Diorama by Mr. Marshall, opened on Monday at the Concert-room of Her Majesty's Theatre, claims to occupy a higher position in this line of art than any other we have seen......
Publications Received.
BOOKS. Rovings in the Pacific, from 1837 to 1849 ; with a Glance at California. By a Merchant long resident at Tahiti. With four Illustrations, printed in colours. In two......
On the 14th February, in Moray Place, Edinburgh, the Lady of Sir Graham Mont- gomery, Bart., of a daughter. On the 15th, in Marlborough Road, St. John's Wood, the Lady......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Feb. 21.—lst Regt. gf Drag. Guards —Capt. W. W. Allen to be Ma- jor, by purchase, vice Scott, who retires; Lieut. B. Tomlin to be Capt. ,by purchase, vice Allen;......