Mendelssohn's _elijah, Performed At St. Martin's Hall On...
the most successful achievement yet made by Mr. Hullah and his choral troops, when we measure the amount of success by the diffi- culty overcome. The steadiness and precision of......
Coatrto Lath 3uoir.
amusement. Who that bore in mind the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar into Ninus, of Moses into Peter the Hermit—who moreover that re- collected the cold shudder that pervaded the......
Mr. Lucas Began His "musical Evenings" For The Season On
Thursday. His entertainment, as formerly, consisted entirely of chamber instrument- al music,—quartets of Haydn, Spohr, and Beethoven, one of Beethoven's sonatas for the piano......
The Career Of The Cabinet Of 1846 Appears To Have
come to an end ; and the question is, whether it is to be reconstructed—to strike out its utterly damaged programme of February 1851, and begin afresh with "new blood " and new......
Mr. G. K. Rickards, Of The Oxford Circuit, Has Been
appointed to succeed Mr. Booth as counsel to the Speaker. Instructions were received yesterday at Hull and Shields, from the Board of Trade, to cancel the regulations under the......
The Mild And Enlightened Roman Catholic Archbishop Murray...
a letter to his clergy against the Ministerial bill on ecclesiastical titles, which will have great influence on the attitude of his Irish coreligionists. Dr. Murray declares,......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The business of the English Stock Market has been more extensive than usual, and during the early part of the week some large transactions for......