Ergo obligatam red6.e Jovi As soon as you are able, with me
dapem you'll come and dine, Longaque fessum militia latus Refreshing at my table your Pompei meorum hum?
Cum quo morantem saepe diem mere Fregi coronatus nitentes Malobathro Syrio capillos. 0 SAEPR mecum tempus in ultimum
Deducts Bruto militias duce, Quis te redonavit Quiritem Dis patriis Italoque caelo, Tecum Philippos et fugam Sensi relicta non bene parmula, Cum fracta virtus at minaces Turpe solum tetigere mento.
Sad me per hostes Mercurius celer Dense paventem sustulit aere ; To rursus in helium resorbens Unda fretis tulit aestuosis.
Oblivioso levia Massico Ciboria exple ; funde eapacibus Unguent& de conchis. Quis udo Deproperare apio coronas Curatve myrto ? Quem Venus arbitrum Dicet bibendi ? Non ego sanius Bacchabor Edonis : recepto Dulce mihi furere eat amico. MT excellent John Morley, full often at my side By foes belaboured sorely, by fickle fortune tried,
I can't express the rapture it causes me to see
Your efforts to recapture the title of M.P.
celorem With you and mild Mundella I faced the dread cyclone When my superb umbrella clean inside out was blown,— When chiefs renowned in story betrayed their sacred trust, Turned timorously Tory or vilely bit the dust.
But Fate's resistless &mans at length ordained that I Should edit Butler's Sermons
and bid the House good-bye For now the tide is shifting, it
flows, alas ! no more, And you are seaward drifting, while I am safe on shore.
Ergo obligatam red6.e Jovi As soon as you are able, with me
dapem you'll come and dine, Longaque fessum militia latus Refreshing at my table your
Depone sub lauru men nee war-worn frame with wine, Farce cadis tibi destinatis. Where, heedless of the censure of Lawson and of Caine, We'll toast your valiant venture in bumpers of champagne.
Johannisberg, my jo, John, a tipple fit for kings, Shall in your honour flow, John, and lend our fancy wings : Or if in Scottish whisky dull care you'd rather drown, Glenlivet, fine and frisky, our
flowing cups shall crown.
Then as we wet our whistle with draughts of " comet " port,
You'll wreathe your brows with thistle, while I the shamrock sport
"Conspicuous moderation" fo7 once I bid begone When Scotland, noble nation, "returns "our Honest John. prime soda- With you, the most consistent of all my trusty crow, In days now dim and distant, how swift the moments flow, What time we went pursuing the wild Hibernian goose, Or sat together stewing serenely
in its juice.
C. L. GRAvEs.