The Discussion On Mr. Labotichere's Amendment To The...
for a complete investigation of the political and financial action of the Chartered Company of South Africa, was resumed yesterday week, when Sir William Harcourt made a speech......
Mr. Sexton Persisted In His Refusal To Accept The Chairman-
ship of the Irish party, in spite of an apparently very straight- forward and cordial assurance from Mr. Healy that Mr. Sexton would receive his willing and loyal support. In......
Mr. Harrington On Friday Week Moved An Amendment In Favour
of amnestying the dynamite prisoners. In this he was supported on Monday by Mr. Horace Plunkett, who argued, as we think with doubtful wisdom, that "with a Unionist party in......
Prince Ferdinand Has Achieved His First Object. It Is...
announced that all the Powers have now agreed to recognise him as Prince of Bulgaria, without raising the question of his precise position in Eastern Roumelia, which is part of......
Mr. Ritchie On Thursday Introduced The Government Bill...
Railways. Its essential features are that a light railway may be proposed by any "local authority," or any railway or any company, and if sanctioned by a Light Railway......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday, Major Jameson, A
Nationalist Member, moved an amendment in favour of the demands of the Christian Brothers' schools. Mr. MacNeill, in seconding, declared that ‘` all Irish Protestants worth......
Mr. Balfour Shows Certainly Even More Tact In His Lead
of the House of Commons than the late Mr. W. H. Smith himself. On Thursday he opened his case for the new rule limiting Supply to twenty full days of the Session, which must be......