"a Monk Of Fife."
[To THE EDITOR OE TIM "SPECTATOL."] SIR,*—Your reviewer of my tale, "A Monk of Fife," in the Spectator of February 15th, may care to note that "crewels," the King's-evil, is......
Letters To The Editor.
"SCIENCE PROGRESS." go THE EDITOR OF Ti "SPECTATOR] SIR,—Your reviewer on p. 246 of the Spectator of February 15th writes :—" Science Progress is another American quarterly that......
The Pairing Season.
" W HEN is the cold weather coming?" This is a question every one has been asking day by day, but so far no answer has been forthcoming, and meanwhile the winter is fast......
Irish "bulls."
[To THR EDITO1 OF TEE "8PECTAT0R:1 SIR,—The following was quoted in the Yorkshire Evening Post the other night :—" Looking back along the trackless pathways of the future, he......
rTo THE EDITOR OF THE usrsomerea."i SIR,—It appears the question of tithe is to be seriously considered by the present Government. May I point out in a few words that much......
Ne Lson.
[To TER EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your correspondent, "A. D. G.," in the Spectator of February 15th, questions the correctness of my version of Nelson's famous......
Ergo obligatam red6.e Jovi As soon as you are able, with me dapem you'll come and dine, Longaque fessum militia latus Refreshing at my table your Pompei meorum hum ? Cum quo......