22 FEBRUARY 1902, Page 1

A telegram from Washington, sent through Laffan's Agency, was published

here on Thursday setting forth the terms of a Note addressed by Mr. Hay on the 1st inst. to the Russian and Chinese Governments with regard to the posi- tion in Manchuria. He strongly protests against the pro- posals in regard to the new Russo-Chinese Bank, and insists that the-exclusive privileges sought to be granted "can but be viewed with the gravest concern by the United States." These proposals, he also points out, conflict with the assurances which Russia has repeatedly given in regard to "the open door." The American Government makes its protest confi- dent that Russia and China will adopt "such measures as will relieve the just and natural anxiety of the United States." When we see America willing to use such language as this we all the more regret that our Government, instead of plunging into an alliance with Japan, did not instead make joint representations with America and Japan in the direc- tion indicated by Mr. Hay. After all, America is almost as deeply- interested commercially as we are, and we might very well have told her that we would go as far as she liked in her company, but that we do not propose to take any action with 'out her. •