C Eirrent Literat Etre.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. The Philosophy of Religion in England and America. By Alfred Caldeoott, D.D. (Methuen and Co. 10s. 6d.)—This is a book for which every real student,......
The Cat's Paw. By B. M. Croker. (chatto And Windus.
6s.) —Mrs. Croker is always lively and entertaining. But in her latest novel, The Cat's Paw, she is even more than usually interesting. By a very ingenious device she has......
Sketches Of Church Life : The Diocese Of St. Albans.
By D. W. Barrett, MA. (Skeffington and Son. 10s. 6d. net.)—The diocese of St. Albans is, of course, a recent creation, being under the rule of its second Bishop, and dating back......
The First Map Containing The Name "america." By Basil H.
Soulsby. (The Geographical Journai, February.)--Mr. Soulsby gives in this interesting pamphlet a rdsume of a paper from the pen of Dr. F. V. Wieser in which the discovery of a......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hare not bee* reserved for verity, in other forms.] The Strenuous Life. By Theodore Roosevelt. (Grant Richards.......
Historical Christianity. By Thomas B. Strong, B.d. (h....
6d. net.)—Dean Strong gives us, in somewhat enlarged form, a series of lectures delivered to the University Extension students; last year. He makes a strong point of the general......