The Germans And The Boers.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR:] STE,—The following point, to which my attention has been drawn by a German friend of strona English sympathies, curiously illustrates the......
Lord Kitchener's Telegram. [to The Editor Of The...
view of a recent telegram, the following extract from Crorawell's letter to Lenthall of September 4th, 1651, describing the battle of Worcester, has a curious interest :— " A.......
Modern Greek.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—It is not easy to give a thorough reply to the letter of " Simplex " without encroaching too much upon your space, but I will avoid any......
English Influence In Morocco.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—I have lately been reading in our own and also in the French and Algerian newspapers various accounts of the growth of English influence......
The Volunteer Service Companies, 1902.
rTo TIM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOE."_1 Sra,—From almost every part of the country come reports that the response to the call for a third Volunteer service com- pany from each......