Historical Christianity. By Thomas B. Strong, B.D. (H. Frowde. is.
6d. net.)—Dean Strong gives us, in somewhat enlarged form, a series of lectures delivered to the University Extension students; last year. He makes a strong point of the general consensus of critics by which the date of the Gospels has been thrown back to a time not later than the seventh decade of the first century. Such a date gives no time for the evolution of an ideal figure. Hence the figure that we have, substantially the same—nor does the Johannine Gospel seriously affect the statement—is historical. From this he proceeds to show that "Historical Christianity" is the "Religion of Human Life," the one religion, i.e., that satis- fies its need. The argument of the book is set forth with much force and ability, and with a moderation of tone which is not inconsistent with a firm and definite belief. In fact it is a very valuable contribution to apologetics.