The Navy Estimates for 1902-3 were issued on Friday week.
They amount to a sum of 231,255,000, as opposed to 230,875,000 estimated for the current year,—an increase of £380,000. During the current year there will have been passed into the Fleet Reserve five battleships, four armoured cruisers, one protected cruiser, and thirty-eight smaller craft, including five submarines. Under construction on April 1st, 1902, there will be thirteen battleships, twenty-two armoured cruisers, two second-class and two third-class cruisers, and twenty-one smaller craft, of which it is expected that five battleships, seven armoured cruisers, and eleven smaller craft will be completed before April 1st, 1903. During the next financial year it is proposed to begin the building of two battleships, two armoured cruisers, two third-class cruisers, and twenty-one smaller craft, including four "scouts," the latter a new class altogether, perhaps best described as torpedo-boat destroyers of greater sea-keeping power than the unfortunate 'Cobra' and Viper.' As to reconstruction, the 6 in. guns of the 'Royal Sovereign' class will be put into casemates, and in two battle. ships and thirteen cruisers 6 in. guns will replace the old 41's. To the armament of the Powerful' and the 'Terrible' are to be added four 6 in. guns,—an addition which some experts think may bring about a slight loss of speed.