There is no news of importance from South Africa, except
the arrivalof her Majesty's 60th Rifles in Natal, and the further expression. of Dutch opinion in the colony that the Boers are hardly treated, and that their independence should be restored. It is believed that although the Orange Free State will remain neutral, its people will help the Boers ; and that nothing is to be expected. from the farmers of Cape Colony, 900 of whom have recently deserted Colonel Carrington in an action against the Basutos. They do not, it is suspected, care by defeating them to set the English colonists free to act against the Transvaal. The Boers have not taken the fortress outside Pretoria, or made any movement• of importance, but they are known to be prepared to defend the passes which lead on to their plateau. Sir G. P. Colley stilt awaits reinforcements, which, however, are ap- proaching him both from India and England. A strong Naval Brigade of legman, will be included among them.