22 JANUARY 1881, page 2

Mr. John, Who Gave So Much Valuable Evidence On The

subject of the ' Atalanta' and its construction, writes to Monday's Times to say that the ' Atalanta' Committee kept back from him the Constructor's report upon his. evidence,......

There Is No News Of Importance From South Africa, Except

the arrivalof her Majesty's 60th Rifles in Natal, and the further expression. of Dutch opinion in the colony that the Boers are hardly treated, and that their independence......

Lord Fortescue Is One Of That- Class Of Almost Osten-

tatiously sensible men who have the knack of acting in a way to show radical want of sense. Just at present he is most anxious to facilitate Coercion in Ireland, by giving the......

The Times States That The Government Intend To Modify The

position of the Lord-Advocate for Scotland. That great officer is now not only the chief legal adviser of the Crown on Scotch affairs and public prosecutor-general, but is also,......

The Home-rule Party Just Now Does Not Appear To Be

quite unanimous. The strongest man in it, Mr. O'Connor Power, a man much more acceptable to the true Irish heart than Mr. Parnell, has intimated at Nottingham that if the......

The Election At Wigan Turned Out Unfavourably For The...

though no seat is lost, because there was none to lose. The Liberal candidate, Mr. Lancaster, however, who had supported. the Irish view against coercion, polled only 2,536......

Sir Henry James's Bill To Nrevent Corrupt Practices At Elec-

tions is even more severe than was believed. The penalty suggested in the Bill for corrupting electors is two years' im- prisonment, with hard labour, and a fine of £500; while......

But The Only Effect Was To Embitter Mr. Parnell, Who

in his speech first travelled out of the line of the discussion to offer an explanation as to the meaning of his denunciations of landlordism as the representative of the......

Russia Also Has A South Africa Upon Her Hands. The

Tekke Turcomans,,eouth-oast of the Caspian, give her as much trouble as the Zane have given to England, and the Czar has ordered his best General, Seobeleff, to subdue thorn.......