22 JANUARY 1881, page 13

The Leap In The Dark.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] your review of " Pictures from Ireland," on the 8th inst., you say that " it will tax the highest statesmanship to take the leap in the dark......

Known Ten Times As Lunch, And Had Been Twenty Times

as IN a speech which he made a short time ago at. Darwen, charming a raconteur as he is—and we have met few such— Colonel Stanley expressed the opinion that the system. of we......

" Cursorary."

[To TIM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Let us be just, even to Mr. Stopford Blair. In your last number, you say he will be known hereafter as " Cursorary Blair." I find, on......

The Enfranchisement Op Women.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE n SPROTATOR.1 SIR, — As I think your remarks on the enfranchisement of women in this week's Spectator are calculated to mislead the unthinking, I venture......

Letters To The Editor.

THE TRANSVAAL. (To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.. "] :Sea,—The Spectator of January 8th contained a letter from Mr. Roden Noel, who demands, as many other Liberals are......