Lord Cave's Commission reported on Thursday that the Chartered Company
would have been entitled to £4,435;225 if it had ceased to administer Southern Rhodesia on March 31st, 1918. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council had decided that the Company should be repaid the sums which it had advanced for necessary administrative expenses. Lord Cave's Commission was appointed in July, 1919, to determine the precise amount. The Company claimed £7,886,117, and interest at 5 per cent. on its neb expenditure. The Commission disallowed the claim for interest, and reduced the main account by about two-fifths. The value of the lands used for commercial purposes or alienated by the Company will be estimated here- after. It is well for all parties concerned that the financial problem in Southern Rhodesia should be defined, although the status of the colony may not be changed for some time to come.