The Women's Colleges At Oxford. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The admission of women to degrees in the University of Oxford and the generous welcome they have received afford a special occasion for bringing before the......
Parish Magazines.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Your contributor tarred all parish magazines with the same brush, with the exception of one issued at six times the usual price. Do you......
The Belittlement Of Literature. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR."] Sia,—Having occasion to refer again to a recent number (December 4th, 1920) of the Spectator, my attention was caught by a letter, "The Memorial to Mrs. Humphry......
" Josef Holbrooke And His Work." [to The Editor Of
THE "SPECTATOR."] Sza,—At the risk of being a fearful bore I must again con- tradict my revered biographer. I have always been a firm lover of J. S. Bach and Shakespeare. Surely......
The Durability Of Pise.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The question of the lasting power of pisd buildings has been so often the subject of correspondence in the Spectator that the following......
The Famine In China.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEcTATOR.'] SIR, With so much distress nearer home, it is with some diffidence that I venture to appeal to the generosity of your readers on behalf of......