Excess Profits Duty And Corporation Profits Tax. By J....
(Effingham Wilson ; Stevens and Son. 16s. net.)—The author of this useful treatise has tried to rearrange in an intelligible order the sections of the various Acts relating to......
Stop The Strike ! A Plea For Industrial Arbitration. By
F. H. Rose, M.P. With a Preface by J. R. Clynes, M.P. (St. Catherine Press. 6d. net.)—Mr. Rose is an old trade unionist and sits for North Aberdeen as a Labour Member. It is......
Works Or Reference.—the New Hazen Annual For 1921, Edited By
T. A. Ingram (H. Frowde, and Hodder and Stoughton, 7s. 6d. net), appears in its thirty-sixth issue and deserves a word of hearty commendation. It has been thoroughly revised and......
New Mars.—mcssrs. Stanford Have Published An Excellent...
Africa (45s.) in four sheets, on a scale of 94 miles to an inch. It incorporates the results of the Treaty of Versailles and subsequent agreements between tho Allies, and it is......
The Trout Are Rising In England And South Africa. By
B. Bennion. With an Introduction by Hugh Sheringham. (Lane. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Bennion is a pleasant, good-humoured writer with a real devotion to his favourite sport. Here we......
Cassell '8 Classified Quotations. By W. Gurney Benham....
6d. net.)—Mr. Benham, who has earned the gratitude of many writers and readers by a former book of quotations, has compiled a new and very useful collection, in which modern and......
Mr. Arthur Rarusome's Rhymed Version Of Aladdin (nisbit,...
agreeable and easy, so, as 'a rule, are Mr. Mackenzie's illustrations; occasionally, however, the pictures rise to imagina- tion and beauty, as, for example, in the picture of......