We record with much regret tire death of Dr. John
Beattie Crozier, who was well known as a writer upon philosophy, history, and economics. Dr. Crozier used often to write letters to the Spectator, and they were characteristic of the man. In some ways—in his mental and literary technique—he fell short of his high aims, but his sincerity, his chivalry, his entire good- heartedness, and his reverent grappling with the greatest of all problems with which man can deal, were always an inspiring influence. Perhaps what appealed to us more than anything else in his character was his unreserved sympathy with and his admiration for youth. He never looked backward with repining or self-pity. He urged young men on, took delight in their performance, and was incapable of jealousy. In a letter to the Spectator about Donald Hankey's articles, he exclaimed—we quote the sense and not the exact words—" I salute the young prophet. He has put into words exactly what I have been trying in vain to say all my life "