A dispute between the Dock Companies and the Customhouse authorities
has given rise to much gossip and some conjecture. The Commissioners of Customs have caused a sudden invasion of the docks, have executed rigorous and vexatious searches, and have treated those establishments as if the whole managing body had been conniving at a general system of frauds upon revenue. The station of the Directors is such as to imply a regard for cha- racter incompatible with any such corruption : if usage has intro- duced abuses, and certain new brooms" among the officials are resolved to exhibit a laudable and independent zeal, an overhaul- ing of the Docks is quite proper ; but, on the face of the statements put forth on behalf of the Dock Companies, it must be confessed that the Customs department has been guilty of a discourtesy not quite creditable to the rulers of a great country in the treatment of eminent citizens.