Morel's J Dlet L - Worn.
Since the days when Benvenuto Cellini made - salt-cellars to order, art has somewhat neglected the goldsmith craft ; although some traces of genius have never quite left that......
The Arts.
ROBERTS'S JERUSALF.M. AMONG the larger pictures in a recent exhibition was one by David Ro- berts, representing the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, in the year 71: it......
Publications Received.
BOONS. The subjects and titles of the present week's publications promised more than they fulfilled whey they earns to be examined. Even of the following reserved list it is......
Military Gazette. _ Waii■office, June 14.-2d Regt. Of...
Hon. C. S. Hsnbury to In Comet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Fitzroy, removed to 41St Foul. _ 1st Drag. Guards—Lieut. F,. B. S. Bence to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hog/3ton,......