T4ratrts An 3?gitoir.
The return of Viardot has enabled the managers of the Royal Italian Opera to reproduce the Piophite, with a degree of sueeess surpassing all its former triumphs. The cast......
The Queen Has Resumed Her Private Visite To The Theatres.
The first compliment was paid to Mr. Mitchell, who took his benefit on Wednes- day; and on the following night she patronized La Tentpesta.......
As A Goodhumoured Banter On The Work Of-messrs. Scribe And
Halevy, the burlesque of The Enchanted Isle, - which feet established the name of that par nobile fratnun the Messrs.- Brough, has been revived on the oppo- site side of the......
The -concert At The Hanover Square Rooms On Monday Morning,
for the family of the late Madame Dulcken, afforded a proof of the estimation in which this lamented lady was held ; for the most eminent performers came forward to give their......
Topics Of The Day.
THE VOTE OF THE LORDS. IF Ministers have not paid much practical deference to the adverse vote of the Peers, it must be borne in mind that there is some dis- tinction between an......
Peel's Doubts Concerning The Irish Viceroyalty.
Sin ROBERT PEEL'S difficulty in making up his mind respecting the abolition of the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland might have been spared if , he had penetrated a little deeper into......
M. Benedict Had His Annual Great Conceit In Her Majesty's
Theatre yesterday morning. - The selection of music was admirable; and all the artistes of the-theatre, including the orchestra, and also Er nst and Halle, assisted in the......
The Philharmonic Concert Of Monday Last Concluded The...
was on the whole one of the best of the series. The symphonies were Mozart's in G minor and Beethoven's in A; both of them familiar to the Philharmonic audience, but both of......