Music nourishes in the Sandwich Islands. A j'i►ilharmonic So- ciety,
has been formed at Honolulu; which gives concerts of classical music and.representations of the favourite operas of the day. The Trovalore was lately performed, with his Majesty King Kamehameha in the character of Mamie.; and his royal consort in that of ilzucena. This in a land, within the memory of living persons, peopled by naked savages!
In Mexico, the Italian Opera has had a.brilliant season. Madame D'Angri, whom our musical readers will remember at Her Majesty's Theatre a few years ago, is the prima donna, and Signor Rischi, the basso, is in great favour. The most successful operas have been the Trevalore and Itarthre The operatic repertoire seems to be the same all'the. world over.
A young poet of Copenhagen (says the Gazelle Musicale), named Ankers, has bequeathed a capital of eighty, thousand dollars, of which the annual income is to be shared by a p.oet, a composer, a painter, and a sculptor, in order to improve themselves by foreign trarel.