On the 12th Lust, at Beeston Hall, Norfolk, Lady Preston, of a son. On the 18th inst., at Birr Barracks, Ireland, the lion. Mrs. Somerset Ward, of a daughter. On the 14th inst,......
Publications Received.
How to Spend a Month in Ireland, and What it will Cost. By Sir Cusack P. Roney. London : W. Smith and Sons; Dublin : M`Glashan and Cusack Roney has adopted the best and most......
Notes, Exemplifying The State Of The Medical Profession,...
Account of the Mismanagement of St. Georges Hospital. Third series, supplementary to the " St. Georges Hospital Medical Staff." By Edwin Lee, M.D., Ike. (John Churchill.) The......
I Bank Of England.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the Week ending on Wednesday, the lath day of June, 1861. Notes issued ISSUE DEPARTMENT. £25,892,965 Government......