Imthra.—the Intelligence Of The Week From America Is Of...
importance, and consists chiefly of a series of rumours. The Southern troops are said to be retiring from Harper's Ferry, and the whole strength of the rebels is concentrated......
518,14.—the French Papers Repeat That The Imperial...
to renew diplomatic relations with Turin. " The renewal, however," says La Patrie, " would not imply, on the of - France, as regards the policy of the Italian Kingdom, any......
Gltd4.—daond Effendi, Director Of Telegraphs, Has Been...
Governor of the Lebanon—a bad appointment, though it helps to break the influence of France.......
Maria,—no Less Than One Hundred And Forty Villages Are...
to have been in revolt in consequence of the indisposition of the pea- i smits to wait for complete emancipation. The following telegram: gives the only important intelligence......
The Convocation of tlie prelates and clergy of the Province of Canterbury resumed its sittings on Tuesday, and continued them to-day. Two subjects of general interest have......