Maria,—No less than one hundred and forty villages are reported
to have been in revolt in consequence of the indisposition of the pea- ismits to wait for complete emancipation. The following telegram: gives the only important intelligence of the week :
" The Imperial decrees for regulating the election of members to the Provincial, District, and Municipal Councils, have been published. The electoral laws contained therein are conceived in a liberal spirit.
" The eligibility of members is in no way affected by their religion or profession. "The electoral franchise is very comprehensive. " No person under twenty-five years of age can be an elector. "The judge of the district will be the president of each district council, and the burgomaster that of each municipal council. " The Imperial decree relative to the organization of the Council of State for Poland has been published. "The new Council is to becomposed of the members of the Council of Administration, of members appointed by the Emperor, the mem- bers of the superior clergy, the governors of the provinces, and the president of the Agricultural Association.
" Its functions are to examine. and give a deliberative vote on new laws, on the budget for the year, and on. all charges brought against public functionaries.
"The sittings of the Council will be secret, and its resolutions are not to be published before having been approved by the Emperor."
It will be seen that the Council is powerless, and the concession will undoubtedly not content the Poles. A public assembly, even if only consultative, might have acted as a safety-valve. The Council is not very much worse than the one just organized for India.