Notes, exemplifying the State of the Medical Profession, comprising some
Account of the Mismanagement of St. Georges Hospital. Third series, supplementary to the " St. Georges Hospital Medical Staff." By Edwin Lee, M.D., Ike. (John Churchill.) The Podia Spirit, and other Poems. By James Ellis Cartwright. (Longman and Co.) Under The Spell. By the Author of "Grandmother's Money," &c. In three volumes. (Hurst and Biackett)
Switzerland: How to See it for Ten Guineas. By Henry Gaze. (W. Kent and Co.) • PAMPHLETS.
Death and its Issues: a Sermon preached on occasion of the Death of Francis Duke of Bedford, K.C., &c., in Woburn Church, Beds, on Whit-Sunday, May 19th, 1861. By the Rev. E. W. Cooks, M.A., &a. A Peso Words on Criticism: being an Examination of the Article in the Batter: day Reosew of April 20, 1861, upon Dr. Whewell's Platonic Dialogues for English Readers. By John Grote, B.D.,