22 JUNE 1889, Page 14


[To TUE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—With reference to the letter in the Spectator of June 15th from Colonel H. F. Hutton, charging with ingratitude my late father, on whose " Memoirs " you recently commented, I must first express my sorrow that your correspondent should bring an incrimination against the dead, the accuser being at once sole witness, advocate, judge, and jury. It also seems to me indisputable that the public have really nothing to do with any family feud amongst the descendants of Dr. Hutton. Happily for myself, I know nothing about the rights or wrongs of the case ; but any private communication from ray relative will be treated with all the consideration it may demand.—I

Athenzwm, Club, S. W., June 18th.