22 JUNE 1889, page 2

Sir Lepel Griffin On Tuesday Delivered An Eloquent...

the Colonial Institute, on the Native Princes of India. He has great experience of them, and thinks they are loyal, as they know that in the absence of the British Government......

As Regards Mr. Gladstone's Instances Of The Success Of...

Mr. Balfour pointed out that it was only by ransacking history for exceptional cases that Mr. Gladstone proved his point. The history of France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Great......

Mr. Balfour Replied To The New Proposals For Federating...

and Scotland with Ireland, in a very striking speech at a dinner of the Constitutional Union in St. James's Hall, on Wednesday. He pointed out that it would obviously be......

The Last Important Speech In Mr. Gladstone's Tour Was...

yesterday week, to an audience of five thousand people, in the Drill Hall at Plymouth. In this speech Mr. Gladstone went over the old ground as to the mode by which the Act of......

The Kreuz Zeitung Publishes A Wild-looking Story About...

of England, Germany, and Turkey. Lord Salisbury, it is stated, proposed that Turkey should cede Crete to Eng- land, and the Sultan was willing to consent ; but the Emperor of......

A Chicago Court Has Released Mr. A. Sullivan, Accused Of

complicity in the Cronin murder, on bail to the amount of .R4,000, and the Governor of New York has refused to surrender two other of the accused for trial in Chicago, alleging......

An Admirable Letter Was Published In Tuesday's Times From...

Duke of Argyll, on Mr. Gladstone's proposal to diminish the duration of Parliament from seven years to either five or four,—in other words, to diminish the maximum life of a......

As To The Tie Between England And Her Colonies, Said

Mr. Balfour, is any Imperial statesman content with its efficiency ?. Would we not all draw it much closer if we could ? Is it reasonable to suppose that Australia and New......