Current Literature.
The Universal Review opens with a series of opinions, eight in number, upon General Boulanger's chances of attaining the Presidency of the French Republic. Most of them are......
The Book, Of Sun-dials. Collected By Mrs. Alfred Gatty. New
and enlarged edition. Edited by H. H. F. Gatty and Eleanor Lloyd. With an Appendix on the Construction of Dials by W. Richardson. (George Bell and Sons.)—If it be a fact, as......
Luz Benigna : The History Of Orange Street Chapel. By
Richard W. Tree. (W. B. Whittingham.)—Orange Street Chapel (the Temple of Leicester Fields) was opened for worship for exiled Huguenots on April 15th, 1693. The congregation......
The New Eve. By Mr. Randolph. (spencer Blackett.)—some...
said that the war of the future is to be waged between men and women, and a French writer has declared the two sexes to be "eternal enemies." Mr. Randolph evidently entertains......
• A New History Of The Pilgrim Republic.* The Readability,
accuracy, and unpretentiousness of this book—at once the most complete and the most popular History of the Pilgrim Republic that has yet been published, even in America—make one......