The great Austrian attack was a triple thrust, by three
armies, on the Lower Piave, in the Montello sector, and in the mountains. It was made in force along a front of about fifty miles, and employed rather more than half of Austria's sixty divisions in Italy. .Appa- rently the main objective was the capture of Venice and Padua, and the expulsion of the Italian armies from the Venetian Plain. Where the enemy troops pushed furthest, in the most southerly sector, they are now involved in a region of marshes and lagoons. The attack to the north of Treviso his failed. In the Montello sector the enemy has had a partial success, crossing the river on a front of six miles, and advancing nearly three miles towards the main crest, from which on Wednesday he was still three miles distant. In the mountain sector, fighting on a twenty-mile front, ho has gained nothing at all.