Mr. Bonar Law Was Supremely Confident Of America's...
an endless procession of troops for France. " The American troops are not coming ; they have come." Our Air Service was now the best in all the theatres of war. There was now no......
The Working Man's First Interest Is To Aid The Growth
of Capital that he himself may become richer. In order to do this he must absolutely put an end to the " ca' canny " system and produce as much as ever he can. Many employers in......
In An Interview Published In Last Sunday's Observer Lord...
described our American Allies as the deciding factor in the war. They have, in limitless resources, the men and the materials, and the industrial machinery, which their European......
We Have Received With Much Pleasure A Manifesto Issued By
the originators of the new Trade Union Labour Party. The Party will attempt to prevail upon the next Trade Union Congress to declare in favour of a distinct political Party for......
There Is Bound To Be A Struggle For Supremacy. The
academic leaders, who are not really entitled to speak for Labour at all, will fight as hard as only PLICifi0iBta can to retain their position. We hope, however, that the......
Mr. G. N. Barnes, Speaking At Dartford Last Sunday, Defined
his attitude towards a League of Nations, after reiterating his belief that the defeat of Germany's attempt to dominate Europe must precede any lasting or just peace. He would......
The Principles Put Forward By The Trade Union Labour Party
sufficiently describe what the character of the Party will be. It will be first of all a " patriotic " party. This is opportune ; for, without quite articulating their dissent,......
On Tuesday In The House Of Commons Mr. Bonar Law
dealt briefly with the new Vote of Credit for £500,000,000, which will carry the Government on over the summer recess. During the current quarter the average daily expenditure......
A Very Important Document, Tho Final Report Of Mr....
Committee on Shipping and Shipbuilding after the War, was published on Thursday morning. The main conclusions of the Committee are that shipping should be released as early as......
The Kaiser In Acknowledging Greetings From Marshal...
Chancellor on the anniversary of his accession (June 15th) indulged himself in argroteeque travesty of historical fact, seasoned with Pecksniffian religiosity. In the years......
The Government Have Decided To Create A Committee Of Home
Affairs. That is to say, they frankly acknowledge that the excessive centralization which is the result of exclusive control by the War Cabinet has been a failure. The War......
Lord Milner, Who Paid A Tribute On Friday Week To
the splendid work of the Y.M.C.A. on behalf of the Army, reviewed with admir- able clearness the issues in the world-war, now reaching its climax. In " this fiercest trial......