Federalism In The United States.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Snc,—Those who are seeking a solution of the Irish difficulty by the application to Ireland (and perhaps also to England, Scotland, and......
A Strange Coincidence.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—I have just read the letter about " St. " Oliver Plunkett in your latest issue, and think it only just that another view of the same......
Sinn Fein In Australia.
LTo THE EDIIOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") am enclosing you a copy of a portion of a letter from an old pupil of mine, a prosperous lawyer in Australia for the last quarter of a......
Mr. Parnell On Ireland In War T1me. (to The Edt/or
OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—At this present crisis in the military policy of the Irish Nationalist Party, it may be of use to refer to a memorable utter- ance of their old......