In an interview published in last Sunday's Observer Lord Milner
described our American Allies as the deciding factor in the war. They have, in limitless resources, the men and the materials, and the industrial machinery, which their European Allies have been using up without stint. Not less important is the moral influence of the entry into war of a great nation whose motives even German ingenuity in malversation cannot misrepresent, or even misundei - stand. Her avowed hatred of America is proof of this. She hates America, as she hates England, because both have checked her career as a highway robber: The delay in America's entry, Lord Milner pointed out, has not been wholly a disadvantage. While waiting she has been learning. From now on her strength will be felt increasingly. Her soldiers are splendid in physique and spirit ; her officers will become competent as quickly as any in the world Germany is not beaten or exhausted, or seeking a peace unfavour. able to her ; but her strength cannot grow, while that of the Allies is growing steadily, through accessions front America.