[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Soldiers and sailors during peace time were always• firm friends and supporters of the Fresh Air Fund, and now whilst they are fighting our battles on land and sea they still do not overlook the children of the slums. Bearing this in mind, the promoters of the Fresh Air Fund have decided that the fortnightly holidays which they provide for poor children shall this year to a large extent be utilized for the benefit of the motherless little ones of soldiers and sailors. Fifteenpence pays for a day's outing in the country, 13 defrays the cost of a complete party of two hundred little ones with the necessary attendants, and fifteen shillings is the cost per child for a fortnight. Subscriptions and donations, however small, will be gratefully received by Mr. Ernest Kessell, Hon. Secretary F.A.F., 226 Great Portland Street,