[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] custodiet ipsos custodes
1 Your correspondent,. despite his zeal to protect the English language from the invasion of a new word, has himself admitted one of rather questionable creden- tials. I do not find "neologue" in Murray's New English Diction- ary. As I believe the gap between Stillatim and Sub has yet to be filled, I have not been able to ascertain what that authority has to say on the use and antecedents of the now popular substitute for [Our correspondent who objected to our use of the word " stunt " was, we believe, guilty of a daring stunt himself in using "neo- logue" for " neologism." Several dictionaries compiled many years ago—particularly American dictionaries—give " stunt" as meaning a feat of physical strength.—En. Spectator.]