Having got myself somewhat involved over Charles Wesley a few
weeks ago, I am possibly a little rash in bringing George Whitefield into discussion. But there really ought to be some agreement as to how to spell him. In Tottenham Court Road ,there are two notices within about ten yards of each other. On one Whitefield's Memorial Church proclaims that it is White- field's Church (or what the Germans have left of it); on the other the St. Pancras Borough Council proclaims that the gardens at the side of the Tabernacle site arc Whitfield Gardens. The Council would point out no doubt that the street at the other end of the gardens is Whitfield Street. It is. But why is it ? There is no question that the name is taken from the Chapel, or Tabernacle. where Whitefield began preaching in 1756. It may be admitted that his ancestors were once called Whytfeild, and then Whitfield. But the evangelist's father was Whitefield and about the evan- gelists' own name there can be no argument at all. His own writings, and Wesley's Journal, are decisive as to that. Why should not the St. Pancras Borough Council take to accuracy, even now ?