22 JUNE 1951, page 24
A Diplomat's Apologia
Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker. Translated by John Andrcus. (Gollancz. 16s.) BARON VON WEIZSACK ER is a persuasive memoir writer and alsp a sincere one in the sense that he......
Detection, Mystery And Horror
The Hidden and the Hunted. By Howard Swiggett. (Heinemann. 81-. 6d.) ' The Gollancz Detective Omnibus. (Gollancz. 65.) THIS week we are really in luck. There is a detective......
A Cosmologist Looks At Science The Author Of This Book
is a distinguished astrophysicist. Some ten years ago he discovered, in certain atomic-nuclear reactions, what is now believed to be the source of the radiant energy of the Sun......