22 JUNE 1951, page 22
A Diplomat's Apologia
Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsacker. Translated by John Andrcus. (Gollancz. 16s.) BARON VON WEIZSACK ER is a persuasive memoir writer and alsp a sincere one in the sense that he......
Paladin In Politics
The Last of the Radicals. By C. V. Wedgwood. (Cape. t6s.) Miss WED WOOD'S life of her uncle is in a sense a study in temperament. Josh Wedgwood had in him the makings of a......
Selections From Coleridge
Inquiring Spirit. Edited by Kathleen Coburn. (Routledge. 25s.) THERE is something similar in the fascination of the characters of Coleridge and Henry James. They lack the......