22 JUNE 1962, Page 13

SIR,—Although 1 agree with much of what has been said

both for and against the new Cathedral at Coventry, I would like to point out one or two things which must not be forgotten.

Firstly, one single achievement will never ever hope to please everybody--how dull the world would be if everyone had the same taste. Although the Cathedral may look like a jam factory outside, there is much to commend inside.

Secondly, this building cannot be compared with cathedrals of the past, either from the point of view of architecture or religious inspiration. This is the twentieth century and architecture is not Gothic —what it is I don't know, apart from its being modern and 'contemporary'—and so the Cathedral was designed, not in a Gothic fashion, but just as other churches and cathedrals have been designed, in a 'modern' and 'contemporary' style. '

Finally, how can there be the same religious feeling as in the times of past cathedrals? Then religion was perhaps the most important part of everyday life, certainly the Church was very much more prominent than it is today. Religion is inter- preted in a different way nowadays—if at all, much of the time; and consequently the building of Coventry Cathedral has attempted to interpret this new religion in a worldly and manual effort.

So, then, let us thank God that Coventry has a new Cathedral, and let us appreciate the fact.


35 Holyweil Drive., Loughborough, Leks