22 JUNE 1962, page 13

Coventry Cathedral Nevill Francis,

Malcolm Hifi, L. C. M. Lockhart, Susanne Hughes, J. D. Johns The Monarchy A lun Davies, P. Davis Traveller's Hardship D. C. B. Swinden Plans for Cambridge Reuben Heller Writing......

Sir,— Mr. Redfern Says That 'coventry Could Not Be Provided

with an old cathedral.' This is not so. With- out voicing an opinion of the desirability of the suggestion, about which I am not in a position to judge, I well remember that at......

Sir,—mr. James H.osking. In His Letter About Coven- Try...

leaves me at a complete loss to see how he could possibly draw the conclusions he did, when he writes in his letter: 'It [Coventry Cathedral] is undoubtedly a great exhibition......

The Monarchy

SIR, — If the rest of your recent correspondent's 'opinion on the subject of the monarchy, British Commonwealth, etc., are as ill-founded as the observation of the British......

Sir,—although 1 Agree With Much Of What Has Been Said

both for and against the new Cathedral at Coventry, I would like to point out one or two things which must not be forgotten. Firstly, one single achievement will never ever hope......

Sir,—please Let Me Underline Everything R. B. Salt And John

Redfern write of Coventry Cathedral in last week's Spectator. I visited the Cathedral in company with a grand- daughter aged seventeen and her mother: three generations, each......

Sir,—the Writings Of Mr. David Marquand And Mr. Harold...

are typical examples of the 'woolly' thinking indulged in by many so-called intellectuals when they consider monarchy. They completely fail to comprehend it, but are unwilling......