22 JUNE 1962, page 4

Un And Southern Rhodesia

T liE decision of the UN General Assembly to debate the present situation in Southern Rho- desia and the subsequent (delayed) discussion on that subject will probably have less......

Canadian Elections

S o Mr. Diefenbaker will be in London for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in September after all. Though this is not really surprising, it is disappointing. The......

Truce In Algeria

T IK agreement between the FLN and the OAS in Algeria means the acceptance of the inevit- able by the European settlers. There seems no doubt that the elements still urging or......

A Strangled Cry

T IUNGS are now reaching the point at which the best hope for the opponents of the Common Market may be to keep their mouths shut. Heaven knows how much damage has been done to......

Blunt Hatchets

T HE Labour Party has gloved its hatchet, but neither quickly enough nor carefully enough to prevent a sorry mess from becoming a farce. The campaigning against fellow......