On the other hand, we are much impressed by a
letter in Thuniday's Daily Chroniele from its old Berlin correspondent, Mr. B,enwiok, who has returned to his post. Mr. Renwick, who knows Germany well, declares that for the vast majority of the people of Berlin the weekly food ration is no more than the British soldier receives daily, and that the quality of the food is bad. He asserts that the great bulk of Germany's supplies will be exhausted by the end of April, and he urges that famine must lead to anarchy. It is possible, of course, that, in regard to Germany as a whole, Mr. Renwick has been misinformed- by the German officials, who are constitutionally unable to speak the truth. But his description of the state of Berlin is convincing. We are glad to think that the Allies are now sending large consignments to relieve the distress. Germany in her hour of triumph callonsly starved the occupied countries. The Allies cannot and will not follow her inhuman example.