MODERN GERMANY.* Tun Master of Peterhouse has completed his excellent history of modern Germany from Waterloo to the year 1907—the fatal date, as he thinks, at which the forces......
The Late Sir Redvers Buller's Ghost Story. Cro The Editor
OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I read with ranch interest in the Spectator of March 8tk the account of Lady Ritchie's ghost story. It reminded me so curiously of the incident in the......
Bishop Percival's -life.
• (To me Emma or rue " SPIXIM011."] Sim—I have been entrusted with the task of writing the Life of Dr. Percival, the Into Bishop of Hereford. May I ask any of your readers who......
THE IfASTER-MARINER. (From the Life at "The White House," Rouen.) I surr Odysseus yester-year In an old Town of Normandie, Wiry and walnut-faced and lean, Grey with the salt......
A Freak Of Nature.
IT° THE EDITOR Or THE 44 SPECTATOR."3 Ent,—When the 'Pia - ve' was wrecked recently on the Goodwin 'Sands, a very large quantity of fuel oil was released, which covered the sea......
Watsonian War :memorial Fund.
(To THE EDrrOR Or THE .` SPECTATOR.") Stn,—I enclose a short, statement as to this fund. As a large number of former pupils of George Watson's College are widely spread all over......
Gi; T Sputa R We Suggest That There Clan Be
no better Present in Peace or War than an Annual Subscription to the Spectator. He or she who gives tho Spectator as a present will give a weekly pleasure, as well as a weekly......
Notioe.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must snot necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expreesed or with the......