The Westminster Pancake.
[To ras EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sle,—The pancake I won in 1885 still hangs hermetically sealed in a glass case on my study wall. This was the first year. I think, of the......
The Late Sir Redvers Buller's Ghost Story. Cro The Editor
OP THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I read with ranch interest in the Spectator of March 8tk the account of Lady Ritchie's ghost story. It reminded me so curiously of the incident in the......
Two Cowper Letters.
[To um EDITOR or Tin "Sescrermt."3 Sra,—In the Roberts Collection at Haverford College, Pennsyl- vania, there are two manuscript letters of William Cowper. One of these has......
Sydney Smith On Greek.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sm,—The enclosed extract from the late Mr. G. W. E. Russell's Sydney Smith in the "English Men of Letters" Series may be of interest to the......
Hollow House-walls.
fTo ME EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR.") fear you have been misled by Mr. Thackeray Turner in Handicrafts and Reconstruction with regard to the practice of building hollow walls to......