N. Georges Truffault, the expert who developed a wonderful system
of market-gardens for the French Army during the war, has written, with Miss Helen Colt, the English horticulturist, a pamphlet on Army Gardens for the benefit of the British and American Armies on the Rhine. It is published by the " CEurre des Pepinieres Nationales" of the French Touring Club at Versailles, and shows in a very practical way what can be done under skilled direction to produce a plentiful supply of fresh vegetables for the troops, thus saving much transport as well as money, and also providing healthy occupation. The author estimates that British and American solders COESUMO a pound of fresh vegetables daily. Immense quantities, therefore, are re- quired even for the reduced Armies of Occupation. It would be a great relief to the overtaxed railways if the vegetables could be grown on the spot, as M. Truffault suggests. •