22 MAY 1926, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPEcr.vroa.]

Sia,—Nothing has so profoundly impressed the public as the stoppage of London newspapers by organized Labour, because —and solely because—the opinions of these papers were not to the liking of the trade unions. In these arbitrary acts we can see the beginning of naked, tyrannical Revolution, and the arrogant trampling on the liberties of others. It will be re- membered that such an intolerable oppression of public, opinion has never occurred before in the history of the British Press, outside rare instances of Governmental interference. What is the remedy ? The remedy is the immediate repeal of that infamous, log-rolling piece of legislation, The Trade, Disputes Act, wherein Lord Oxford, to his eternal dis- grace, put the trade unions above the Law. If there is any backbone and public spirit left in the members of the House of Commons they will force the Government to carry out at once, this highly necessary Act of Repeal. The public will observe. that neither the Socialist Party nor the Trade Union Congress have repudiated nor discouraged the abominable acts of tyranny involved in the suppression of the London news-

papers.—I am, Sir, &c., F. E. COE. 88 Staines Road, Twickenham, S.W.

[Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, not Lord Oxford, was Prime Minister in 1906.—En. Spectatoi.]