Wit And Humour Of The Strike
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —The anxieties of the British people in a crisis seem always to relieve themselves in wit and humour. The Great War was one example ; the......
Mercerized Silk
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In the article " Shall the Silk Worm Die ?" in your issue of April 24th by Mr. F. Yeats-Brown, reference was made to the discovery of......
" The Need For Eugenic Reform " [to The Editor
of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—There is one point in your reviewer's excellent article on Major Darwin's Need for Eugenic Reform which seems to me to demand comment. - He writes—" Most......
The Women's Anti-strike Procession [to The Editor Of The...
SIR,—I am very glad to see from your remarks in the para- graph of your issue of April 24th about the Women's Pro- cession that you do realize how strong is the feeling amongst......