The Cricket Season
BY THE HON. R. H. LYTTELTON. T HE cricket season of 1926 has arrived, the Australians have begun their matches, and it is obvious that 1926 is going to be an Australian year,......
The -editor Of The Hotel Review In The Current Issue
makes a plea for the introduction into Great Britain of the Continental ten per cent. system of " tipping " as practised in many hotels in Italy, France, Holland, Bel- gium and......
The Lack Of British Films Was Discussed In The Ontario
Legislature recently, and a Conservative member pro- posed that certain restrictions be placed on the owners of cinematograph theatres who fail to show a certain per- centage of......
MANY of the American films which come here are ad- mirable, but very many are not. How long are we going to permit our youth to be brought up on a mental diet of night-club......