Lord Haldane has written a study of the structure of
Human Experience (Murray, Os.) which deserves, but we fear will not receive (owing to lack of space), longer comment than we can give it here. Suffice it to say that the book is designed to be popular, but is in fact extremely abstruse. ' Like some older philosophers, Lord Haldane ties himself up tightly in knots of name, form, time, space and causation. He sits at a table (how many philosophers do this !) and it is ten minutes to six : later it will be five minutes to. So we enter upon a consideration of " then-ness " and " now-ness " and their turgid interrelations, until we begin to lose ourselves, like babes in the' wood, in that dark forest of relativity -to which Einstein's famous Conjectural train first introduced us. We fear this book is not as interesting as the author's The Reign of Relativity ; nevertheless he may be trusted to provide salutary exercises in cerebration for thoSe who enjoy grappling with abstractions.